Thursday, January 8, 2009

DAY #8: January 8, 2009 - Matthew 6:16-34

Fasting was a third example of Pharisaic “righteousness.” The Pharisees loved to fast so that others would see them and think them spiritual. Fasting emphasized the denial of the flesh, but the Pharisees were glorifying their flesh by drawing attention to themselves. The Lord’s words emphasized once again that such actions should be done in secret before God. Nor was one to follow the Pharisees’ custom of withholding olive oil from his head during fasting. As a result, God alone would know and would reward accordingly.

In all three examples of Pharisaic “righteousness” —almsgiving (v. 1-4), praying (v. 5-15), and fasting (v. 16-18)—Jesus spoke of hypocrites (v. 2, 5, 16), public ostentation (v. 1-2, 5, 16), receiving their reward in full when their actions are done before men, acting in secret (v. 4, 6, 18), and being rewarded by the Father, who sees or “knows,” when one’s actions are done secretly.

One’s attitude toward wealth is another barometer of righteousness. The Pharisees believed the Lord materially blessed all He loved. They were intent on building great treasures on earth. But treasures built here are subject to decay (moth destroys cloth and rust destroys metal; (James 5:2-3) or theft, whereas treasures deposited in heaven can never be lost.

The Pharisees had this problem because their spiritual eyes were diseased (Matt. 6:22). With their eyes they were coveting money and wealth. Thus they were in spiritual darkness. They were slaves to the master of greed, and their desire for money was so great they were failing in their service to their true Master.

If a person is occupied with the things of God how would they care for the ordinary needs in life, such as food, clothing, and shelter? The Pharisees in their pursuit of material things had never learned to live by faith. Jesus told them and He tells us not to worry about these things, for life is more important than physical things. He cited several illustrations to prove His point.

The birds of the air are fed by the heavenly Father, and the lilies of the field grow in such a way that their splendor is greater than even Solomon’s. Jesus was saying God has built into His Creation the means by which all things are cared for. The birds are fed because they diligently work to maintain their lives. They do not store up great amounts of food, but continually work. And believers are far more valuable to God than birds! The lilies grow daily through a natural process. Therefore an individual need not be anxious about his existence for by worrying he can never add any amount of time, not even a single hour, to his life. Rather than being like the pagans who are concerned about physical needs, the Lord’s disciples should be concerned about the things of God, His kingdom and His righteousness. Then all these needs will be supplied in God’s timing.

This is the life of daily faith. It does no good to worry. In fact, the phrase "do not worry" occurs three times (v. 25, 31, 34)—or be concerned about tomorrow for there are sufficient matters to attend to each day. Worrying shows that one has “little faith” in what God can do. As a disciple cares each day for the things God has trusted to him, God, his heavenly Father cares for his daily needs.

SO WHAT? (what will I do with what I have read?)

Man, talk about conviction, this passage nails me. First, the issue of fasting. Man, I need to re-introduce this discipline into my life. Even now, I sense the Lord saying to me this will be key to dropping weight and getting back into healthy shape. So, Lord, I commit to you that every Thursday, for the rest of this year, I will begin to fast -deny my flesh and build my discipline in this area of life.

Second, building treasures in Heaven. Lord, you know how easy it is for me to look around at how much "stuff" other people have and covet their stuff. I am so prone to forget all you have given us and all the ways you have supplied for us. Every day, keep my focus on heavenly things, eternal things.

"Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things." Colossians 3:2 (NIV)

Finally, the issue of worry. Lord, you know my tendency to get uptight when the offering @ COV is thin on any given week. Yet, it is sin to worry. It is sin to get uptight. Increase my faith and remind me that you have promised to meet our needs - not our greeds. Lord, I trust you and I know that you always have our best in your sight. Even when I don't think it is your best - it is. Day after day you are faithful. Thank you for loving us and demonstrating your love. Teach me to be satisfied with the daily manna you provide and to trust you with our future.

"For I know the plans I have for you,” says the Lord. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope. In those days when you pray, I will listen." Jeremiah 29:11-12 (NLT)


Today Lord, help me be conscious of your provision in my life and for our family. Today Lord, I pray that your Holy Spirit would overwhelm the people of COV with that truth. Meet their needs. Teach them to trust. Teach them to store up treasures in heaven. Build our faith daily. Grow us and mature us.

"Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done." Philippians 4:6 (NLT)

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