Monday, November 9, 2009

DAY #313: 2 Timothy 4:1-22

Paul viewed his life as an offering, poured out before God. He knew that his death was near. Paul’s commitment was total; thus, sacrificing his life to build others’ faith seemed to him a joyous reward. Paul knew this was the end. He had called Timothy to “fight the good fight”.

Paul’s race was finished, or at least the end was clearly in sight. Paul had remained faithful to the message that had been entrusted to him; this also had been entrusted to Timothy. Paul had never wavered in his faith and trusted that soon he would experience all the promises on which he had based his life and ministry.

In Roman athletic games, a laurel wreath was given to the winners. A symbol of triumph and honor, it was the most coveted prize in ancient Rome. This is probably what Paul was referring to when he spoke of a prize. Waiting for Paul, laid up for him, was a reward—the crown of righteousness.

Paul would receive his reward from the Lord, the righteous Judge. Soon to be condemned to death for his faith, Paul would ultimately be vindicated by God himself. Paul’s reward would be given on that great day of his return. This crown of righteousness, this reward, was not for Paul alone. It is promised to all who eagerly look forward to his glorious return. What an encouragement to Timothy, to the loyal believers in his church, and to all believers. Whatever we may face—discouragement, persecution, or death—we know our reward is with Christ in eternity.

In his final trial, no one had come to speak in Paul’s defense or to stand by in his support; everyone had abandoned him. Although sorely disappointed, Paul seemed to understand, for he hoped that this would not be counted against them. Paul realized the fear the Christians were feeling; it had become extremely dangerous to be identified as a Christian in Rome. Emperor Nero had blamed the Christians for starting a great fire in Rome (a.d. 64). He had decreed that the Christians should be persecuted through torture and death as punishment. Three or four years later, when this letter was written, fear was still very present, causing Paul’s fellow believers to be unwilling to defend him before the Roman authorities. Although no human being had come to support Paul at his hearing, the Lord had stood with him.

As Paul reached the end of his life, he could look back and know he had been faithful to God’s call. Now it was time to pass the torch to the next generation, preparing leaders to take his place so that the world would continue to hear the life-changing message of Jesus Christ. Timothy was Paul’s living legacy, a product of Paul’s faithful teaching, discipleship, and example. Because of Paul’s work with many believers, including Timothy, the world is full of believers today who are also carrying on the work.

SO WHAT? (what will I do with what I have read today?)

I read today's passage and I think of the phrase - FINISH WELL. Oh Lord, may that be true of my life. You have walked with me through and worked through, and now God I ask that You help me go the distance, not grow weary of doing good and finish this race that began so long ago.

Lord, give me a heart of endurance. Give me Your strength and Your stamina. Lord, walk with Pastor Dave and Cathy these days and weeks ahead. Be kind to them. Be gracious to them and Lord thank you for their lives. Thank you for their example. Thank you for their ministry.

"I can do everything through him who gives me strength." Philippians 4:13 (NIV)

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