Thursday, February 12, 2009

DAY #43: February 12, 2009 - Matthew 25:1-13

Today, we see Jesus teach additional parables to clarify further what it means to be ready for his return and how to live until he comes. The ten bridesmaids teach that every person is responsible for his or her own spiritual condition. All weddings in Israel at this time included the processional of the bridegroom to the bride’s family home. These ten bridesmaids were going out to meet the bridegroom, who was coming to the bride’s home to join the procession back to his house for the ceremony and the wedding banquet. This happened after dark, and in villages and towns without streetlights; so their lamps lit the way. Everyone was required to carry his or her own lamp.

The foolish bridesmaids were unprepared; they took no oil for their lamps. If their lamps burned out, they would be unable to light them again. The wise bridesmaids had brought along extra oil. Finally at midnight, the bridegroom arrived. Everyone got up and prepared their lamps in anticipation of the procession. The foolish bridesmaids realized that their lamps were going out, but the wise bridesmaids explained that they didn’t have enough to share. This was not selfishness, but rather the realization that if they shared their little oil, then all the torches would burn low and there would not be enough light for the wedding procession. Jesus’ focus was on the foolish people’s unpreparedness. When Jesus returns to take his people to heaven, we must be ready. Spiritual preparation cannot be bought or borrowed at the last minute. No one can rely on anyone else. Our relationship with God must be our own.

While the foolish bridesmaids were off trying to buy oil, the bridegroom came and everyone proceeded on to the wedding banquet. The central focus of the parable lies in the words and the door was locked. Jesus’ point, again, is that to not be ready at the right time means to miss out completely. There is a finality to the shutting of that door. Those outside will not have another chance to be let in. Jesus concluded with the application that His true followers must stay awake and be prepared because he will return when they will least expect it. God may delay his return longer than we might prefer or expect. We must be prepared for such a delay—counting the cost of discipleship and persevering faithfully until he returns. Those who are unfaithful must realize that neglecting Christ’s invitation may lead to irreversible consequences and the time of opportunity to believe may pass.

SO WHAT? (what will I do with what I have read today?)

Just like yesterday, I am struck by the need to be ready and alert. Lord, show me that the work I do for you is not in vain. Lord, raise up men and women with equal or greater passion than I for the things of God and the work here at COV. Raise up men and women and students and children who will build your Kingdom. Even now Lord, I am praying for Easter. Bring people out in groves. Amaze us. Use every message building up to Easter to inspire and speak to every heart about reaching out to the folks in their world. I am so grateful for those You have brought to share the work load - Lord bring more.

"Yet now be strong, alert, and courageous, O Zerubbabel, says the Lord; be strong, alert, and courageous, O Joshua son of Jehozadak, the high priest; and be strong, alert, and courageous, all you people of the land, says the Lord, and work! For I am with you, says the Lord of hosts." Haggai 2:4 (AMP)


Lord, may the same spirit of God that rested upon the greats of our faith - Abraham, Moses, David, Joseph, Esther, Ruth, Mary - may that same spirit of God fall upon folks here at COV. People who are sold out to the things of God. People who are passionate about the work of God. People who are brokenhearted over the lost. Lord, you know how my hearts aches for brothers and sisters to answer the call. You know how my soul yearns for Your followers to love Your church and serve Your church and lead Your church. Lord, Do an amazing thing here at COV. Pour out Your Spirit in a mighty way. Blow through COV with a fresh wind and a fresh fire.

"I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your old men will dream dreams, your young men will see visions. Even on my servants, both men and women, I will pour out my Spirit in those days. I will show wonders in the heavens and on the earth..." Joel 2:28-30 (NIV)

And Lord, even in the recession - even in these tough economic times, build up and grow Your people to be faithful to the tithe. You know our needs Lord - to keep the doors open and Your church maintained and to fund all the various ministries. Lord move in the hearts of Your people to be generous.


  1. And oh, how are we reminded that "no man knows the day or the hour", and that we cannot hesitate to wittness, and to always be on the alert for opportunities to spread the Gospel.

    Thank you for the powerful yearning in you prayer to our Lord; it was a blessing and a kick-starter to pray along with you.

    I'm sending you a song called "When the Man Comes Around" by Johnny Cash. As you know, he was a very committed believer, and this was one of the last pieces he recorded. It's about the end days, and has a line in it from the Parable of the Ten Bridesmaids. My dad quipped that it was "the Book of Revelations in three minutes flat".

  2. This parable reminds me that "no man knows the day or hour." The foolish virgins didn't bring any spare oil to refill their lamps which means to me that some people want to have the Christ return at that instant when they're ready for Him. The wise vigins that brought spare oil to refill their lamps means to me that some people are prepared to wait patiently upon the return of the Christ.

    Dear Lord, I just want to thank you for Issac, for bringing me to COV because it was a life changing experience for me and several of my friends. I just want to ask You that I get the chance to bring more of my friends and my friend's friends to COV and watch their lives change because they accept the Lord Jesus into their hearts. In Jesus Name, Amen.
