Friday, October 9, 2009

DAY #282: Galatians 5:13-6:10

Here is a truth each of us must face as we live a life of faith - the demands of our human nature present a constant threat to our real freedom in Christ. We need his ongoing help to keep our “flesh” under control. Is that not true?

While we as believers live in this world, we face constant tension between our old sinful nature and what the Holy Spirit wants. Though we have new life in Christ, we still have a mind and body prone to rebel and enticed by sinful desires. We must resist those desires.

To help us see clearly the battle we are in, Paul contrasted the desires of the sinful nature and the works of the Spirit-filled life in.

Sexual immorality—Any form of illicit sexual relationship. The term serves to spotlight forbidden sexual behavior between people or indirect participation as an audience.

Impure thoughts—Moral uncleanness. Perhaps no sexual act has taken place, but the person exhibits a crudeness or insensitivity in sexual matters that offends others.

Eagerness for lustful pleasure—Open and excessive indulgence in sexual sins. The person has no sense of shame or restraint. This is the outworking of sexual immorality and impurity.

Idolatry—Worship of pagan idols. A person creates substitutes for God and then treats them as if they were God. This person is giving in to sinful human desires.

Participation in demonic activities—

Hostility—A condition of fixed enmity between groups. This may be real, unresolved conflict whose cause has been forgotten but which has yielded a harvest of bitterness.

Quarreling—Competition, rivalry, bitter conflict—the seeds and the natural fruit of hatred.

Jealousy—A feeling of resentment that someone else has what another feels he or she deserves.

Outbursts of anger—Selfish anger. The plural form conveys the meaning of continual and uncontrolled behavior.

Selfish ambition—The approach to life and work that tries to get ahead at other people’s expense.

Divisions—Strong disagreements or quarrels have marked ones life.The feeling that everyone is wrong except those in your own little group.

Envy—A desire to possess something awarded to or achieved by another.

Drunkenness—Excessive use of wine and or strong drink.

Wild parties—Drunkenness and carousing.

And other kinds of sin—Paul added an “etc.” to show that the list was by no means complete.
Anyone living that sort of life refers to the lifestyle of people who habitually exhibit these characteristics. This does not mean that believers who lapse into any of these sins will lose their salvation and their inheritance. But people who habitually exhibit these characteristics reveal themselves to be enslaved to sinful human nature. Next, Paul lays out the characteristics of a life devoted to God and filled with the Holy Spirit.

Love—Love as shown by Jesus, whose love is self-sacrificing and unchanging, and as demonstrated by God who sent his Son for sinners . Love forms the foundation for all the other fruit listed.

Joy—An inner rejoicing that abides despite outer circumstances.

Peace—An inner quietness and trust in God’s sovereignty and justice, even in the face of adverse circumstances.

Patience—Patiently putting up with people who continually irritate us. The Holy Spirit’s work in us increases our endurance.

Kindness—Acting charitably, benevolently toward others, as God did toward us. Kindness takes the initiative in responding to other people’s needs.

Goodness—Reaching out to do good to others, even if they don’t deserve it. Goodness does not react to evil but absorbs the offense and responds with positive action.

Faithfulness—Reliable, trustworthy.

Gentleness—Humble, considerate of others, submissive to God and his word.

Self-control—Mastery over sinful human desires and the pull that they constantly represent.

Paul made it clear that the sinful nature and the Holy Spirit oppose each other. Believers, while receiving the Holy Spirit, also have sinful desires within. So how do believers gain the victory?

Those who belong to Christ Jesus (believers) have victory over the sinful desires to the degree that they have crucified the passions and desires of their sinful nature.

SO WHAT? (what will I do with what I have read today?)

Evertime I read this passage of Scripture, I am reminded of John 6:63 -

(JESUS) "The Spirit gives life; the flesh counts for nothing. The words I have spoken to you are spirit and they are life."

How do we have victory over the flesh? We have to daily be empowered by God's Holy Spirit and daily we have to live by His words.

"This is the word of the LORD to Zerubbabel: 'Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit,' says the LORD Almighty.'" Zechariah 4:6 (NIV)

Lord, I need Your power and Your strength today. Help me. Fill me. Empower me. May I be Your hands and feet today in all I say and do.

"I can do everything through him who gives me strength." Philippians 4:13 (NIV)

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