Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Day #230: Romans 3:19 - 4:8

There are no more excuses to be made, no more self-defenses uttered. No one has any excuses; everyone is liable for judgment. And if the Jews—God’s special chosen people—can say nothing in their own behalf, then no one can.

In the silence filling the court, one thought is clear: guilty as charged. That accountability of guilt must be answered, even though every explanation and excuse had failed. We are held accountable to God because he is our Creator, the personal source behind the standard (law), and the faithful Judge. We owe our existence and obedience to this One.

The purpose of the law is not to bring salvation, but to make us aware of sin.
The only way people can be made right in God’s sight is for God to declare them so. No one can do it by trying to do what God’s law commands, meaning keeping certain traditions, such as circumcision, in order to be identified as a Jew and so remain under God’s covenant promises.

The way to being made right in God’s sight is the way of faith in Jesus Christ to take away our sins. Trusting in Jesus Christ means putting our confidence in him to forgive our sins, to make us right with God, and to empower us to live the way he taught us. God’s solution is available to all of us regardless of our background or past behavior. And this way is open to all who believe—both Jews and Gentiles.

Trusting in Jesus Christ is the only way we all can be saved. We all begin in the same place spiritually, and there is only one way. Faith in Jesus Christ doesn’t mean we understand everything that Christ has done for us, but it does mean that we believe he has done everything for us!

Sinning confirms our status as sinners, and sin cuts us off from our holy God. Furthermore, sin leads to death (because it disqualifies us from living with God), regardless of how great or small each sin may seem. Sins are deadly, but sinners can be forgiven. There are no distinctions: we have all sinned; we all need a savior; Jesus Christ is the Savior; through faith we can receive his salvation.

Why did the punishment require shed blood? God had said from the beginning, “For the life of any creature is in its blood . . . It is the blood, representing life, that brings you atonement” (Leviticus 17:11). But the blood Paul mentions here is a particular blood—it is Christ’s blood. Only the sacrificial death of Christ on the cross was the effective atonement for our sins. Christ stands in our place, having paid the penalty of death for our sin, and he could satisfy God’s anger against us. Why are we made right with God through faith?

Faith eliminates the pride of human effort, because faith is not a deed that we do.
Faith exalts what God has done, not what people do.
Faith admits that we can’t keep the law or measure up to God’s standards—we need help.
Faith is based on our relationship with God, not our performance for God.

Most religions prescribe specific duties that must be performed to make a person acceptable to God. Christianity is unique in teaching that the good works we do will not make us right with God. No amount of human achievement or progress in personal development will close the gap between God’s moral perfection and our imperfect daily performance. So there can be no basis for pride.

SO WHAT? (what will I do with what i have read today?)

I don't know about you, but sometimes it's easy for me to get caught up into do going works and even today still trying to impress God with them. As I read through Romans 3, I am reminded that it is through Christ's blood that am I made right with Him - no other way - no amount of good works will suffice. Oh Lord, remind me - I need daily reminding of Your grace and mercy that is upon me.

On those days when my grace runs out for others, gently nudge me to extend to them what you moment by moment extend to me. Lord, break me of my pride and my desire for status. Humble me daily. Thank you Lord.

"Blessed are they whose transgressions are forgiven, whose sins are covered. 8 Blessed is the man whose sin the Lord will never count against him." Romans 4:7-8 (NIV)

1 comment:

  1. Romans 4:8, "Blessed are those whose sin the Lord will never count against them," sticks out to me because it says to me that you have salvation through Christ Jesus so your sins are forever forgiven.

    But just because your sins are forgiven doesn't mean you can just go do whatever you please. Having salvation through Christ Jesus means that you have accepted Jesus as the savior and you will live a life according to Him, a Christian life.

    Lord, help us understand why we accept You into our lives. In Jesus Name, Amen.
