Thursday, July 23, 2009

DAY #204: Acts 15:1-21

As many Gentile believers came into the church, legalistic Jews demanded that these new converts be circumcised. Fierce arguing about this issue resulted in the first church council.
These men were of a group called the Judaizers. They came from Judea (perhaps from Jerusalem) to Antioch; they held the opinion that Gentiles could not be saved unless they kept the ancient Jewish custom of circumcision taught by Moses.

To understand the Judaizers’ actions, we need to understand their mind-set. In the early days, all of the believers were Jews. In fact, the early church was viewed as a sect within Judaism. The Judaizers concluded that Christianity was not intended to bypass Judaism but to build on it. Judaism, with its centuries of history and tradition, was the prerequisite. They saw Jesus (and his message) as the final step in the long process. The Judaizers were afraid that soon there would be more Gentile than Jewish Christians. Also, they were afraid that moral standards among believers would be weakened if they did not follow Jewish laws.

If not handled wisely, the debate could have split the church. So Paul and Barnabas were sent to Jerusalem, accompanied by some local believers. They would meet with the apostles and elders in Jerusalem about this question.

The Gentile question prompted a long discussion. After lengthy interaction, Peter shared his experience of how God had used him to preach to the Gentiles. Peter bolstered his argument by noting God’s outpouring of the Spirit. The Gentiles had received the Holy Spirit when they believed (through faith), not because they had done any works of the law. The presence of the Spirit in them was the clearest evidence of their acceptance by God.

Peter warned that by making strict adherence to the law a prerequisite for salvation, the church would be guilty of questioning God’s way. It was, and still is, impossible to obey the law completely. That would be a burden too hard for any human being. In effect, Peter urged the council not to advocate a double standard. Salvation—whether for Jew or Gentile—is by the special favor of the Lord Jesus.

What the law could never do, God did through Jesus Christ. No one deserves to be saved, and no religious, intellectual, or moral effort can earn salvation because it comes only from God’s mercy and love. To receive God’s salvation, people must acknowledge that they cannot save themselves and that only God can save them. Then they must trust in Christ.

SO WHAT? (what will i do with what i have read today?)

"For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith--and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God-- not by works, so that no one can boast. Ephesians 2:8-9 (NIV)

Why is it that so many churches and so many denominations add to what must be done for an individual to be saved? Some churches propagate the falsehood that you must be baptized to be saved. Others say you must have a second baptism of the Holy Spirit to be saved. Still others say that you must go to this this class or that class to be saved. Baloney.

The Scriptures are clear. this passage crystallizes this truth. Salvation is found in one person. That person is Jesus Christ. "Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved." Acts 4:12 (NIV)

And let's be clear about this. There are not many roads to heaven. While that may be the PC thing to say today, it to is false. There is one road to heaven. It's called highway 146.

"Jesus answered, 'I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.' " John 14:6 (NIV)

Each person has to establish a spirtual BASE in life. What do you do to establish a spiritual base? You say, I’d like to have my past forgiven. I’d like to have a purpose for living. I’d like to have a home in heaven. How do I get it?” You do four things:

B – Believe. I must believe that Jesus Christ died on the cross for me and showed He was God by coming back to life. Do you believe that?

A – Accept. I need to accept God’s free forgiveness for my sin. Would you like to accept that? I don't know anybody who’d reject it. Why would you? If you’ve got this one, you’re half way there.

S – Switch. Switch to God’s plan for my life. That means I'm going to say, “I’m no longer going to do what I want to do. I'm going to live the plan You made me for. I want to know Your purpose for life and from now on You’re going to call the shots, not me.” When you become a Christian, you put a sign on your life that says, “Under new management.” Now you’re doing God’s plan for your life. My plan hasn’t worked out too well. If you’re willing to do that, you’re three quarters of the way there.

E – Express. I Express my desire for Christ to be the Director of my life, the manager. The word in the Bible is Lord. Are you ready to do that? To express that?

If you’re willing to take these four steps, then pray this simple prayer. If you’ve never invited Christ into your life, He will come into your heart as you pray this prayer. “Dear God, I believe You sent Your Son, Jesus to die for my sins so I could be forgiven. I'm sorry for my sins and I want to live the rest of my life the way You want me to. Please put Your Spirit in my life to direct me. Amen.”

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