Saturday, May 30, 2009

DAY #150: John 5:18-30

The Jews realized that Jesus’ words revealed His very personal relationship with God. In saying, “my Father,” he was clearly claiming to be God’s Son, thus equal with God. For a human to claim equality with God was blasphemy; and blasphemy was a sin carrying the death penalty (Leviticus 24:15-16).

Jesus did not say that he would not do anything independent from the Father, but that he cannot: “The Son can do nothing by himself. He does only what he sees the Father doing.” The Son performs the tasks the Father wants done because they are of one spirit. The Father and the Son know and love each other completely. Because of their transparent relationship, the Son always knows what the Father is doing and works in harmony with him to see it accomplished.

The certainty of our salvation is in the hands of the Son because God entrusted him with judicial and executive authority to judge. Thus, he has equal dignity and honor with the Father—“everyone will honor the Son, just as they honor the Father.” The flip side is that those who refuse to honor the Son are not honoring the Father who sent him. Here Jesus was referring to that time when everyone will recognize his lordship. The tragedy will be that many will then recognize Jesus’ true nature but will have lost the opportunity to receive his saving help.

True hearing results in believing. When Jesus spoke of a time that is coming, and is here, he saw God’s wonderful future plan as happening in the present. Christ makes the same power that will resurrect the dead at his return available to all who are spiritually dead—the woman at the well, the paralyzed man, and each one of us.

We human beings do not have life in ourselves; we receive it from God. God does not receive his life from any exterior source; He is the source and Creator of life. In eternity past, the Father gave his Son the same capacity—to have life in himself. God does not share this uniquely divine characteristic with any created being. Because Jesus exists eternally with God the Father, he too is “the life” through whom we may live eternally (1 John 5:11). God’s gift of life comes through Christ alone.

SO WHAT? (what will I do with what I have read today?)

As I read this passage today, I am reminded of when Jesus was in the Garden - just hours before He was to be betrayed by Judas and led away by the Roman guards. He prayed - "Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me; yet not my will, but yours be done."

Did you get that? Not my will be done, but yours Father. In the most desperate time of his life, how easy would have it been to bail – to walk away for the pain and the shame that was about to come His way? But HIS character carried the day. This should be the goal of our life - to get to the point where it is not about what I want, what I desire, but what the Father wants and desires for me.

That kind of character is largely missing in our culture isn’t it? So many in our culture have a crater, a void, a hole in their life when it comes to character. WHY? Because there is a Christ crater, a Christ void, and a Christ hole in their life. Because there is a lack of Christ, there is a lack of character. If you want real character – you must know Jesus!

Lord, help me to fulfill today and everyday Your will for my life. Let me be driven by Your purpose for my life.

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