Monday, September 21, 2009

DAY #264: 1 Corinthians 15;58-16:24

I corinthians 15:58 is one of my favorite verses in the bible. Everytime I read it, I am reminded
we have much work to do for the Kingdom. Others must be invited to join; believers must be taught to grow in the Lord. Nothing done for the Lord is ever useless. So believers should be strong in their faith, not wavering or doubting; they should be steady, not listening to the whims of false teachers; and always enthusiastic about the Lord’s work, serving him to the utmost, knowing that great reward awaits.

In the final chapter of 1 Corinthians, Paul answers another question which the Corinthians had asked. Their questions apparently focused on how to go about collecting the money for the Christians in Jerusalem.

The Christians in Jerusalem were suffering from poverty. While the reason is unknown, it may have had to do with a famine, such as the one mentioned in Acts 11:28-29 when the believers in Antioch had sent help to the church in Jerusalem. That collection had been carried by Paul himself and Barnabas.

Apparently, the Jerusalem church was still suffering, so Paul continued to collect money from other churches to send to Jerusalem. Paul advised the Corinthian believers to follow the same procedures that he had given to the churches in Galatia. This collection was a widespread effort involving many of the churches.

The first procedure that the Corinthian believers should implement right away was to ask each person (or family) to put aside some amount of money. This was to be done on every Lord’s Day. Some have suggested that this offering was to be kept at home, but Paul’s mention of setting it aside on Sunday (the day when the believers met together for worship—Acts 20:7) probably means that the believers were to bring the amount that had been set aside that week and place it in a special offering at church.

That offering, in turn, would be held until Paul’s arrival. Paul stipulated that everyone must give (each of you); no one was exempt. But he did not stipulate how much everyone should give; instead, each should give in relation to what he or she had earned.

SO WHAT? (what will I do with what I have read today?)
Lord, raise up an army of Your followers who will make giving a high pririty in their life. Lord, you know the needs of our church. This is Your church. Speak to the hearts of our people about honoring you with their giving.
"Honor the Lord by giving him the first part of all your income, and he will fill your barns with wheat and barley and overflow your wine vats with the finest wines." Proverbs 3:9 (LB)
Lord, teach our people to live according to your principles. Lord, teach them NOT to remake you into their image of what they want You to be, but rather to be remake each of us in Your image. Make us more like Jesus every day.
Teaching us that our giving really shows what is most important to us.
"The purpose of tithing is to teach you always to put God first in your lives."
Deuteronomy 14:23 (LB)

1 comment:

  1. Giving like study of the WORD or living for CHRIST in a Christ Centered Way is a heart problem rather than anything else.
    LORD GOD, it is my prayer that you would allow me through A Thankful heart to put you first in all things.
    Blessings and prayers go before your ministry, your family and your heart for this day.
